Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Imagery: Seeking Knowledge

I love this image, because it provides a great visualization of a person drawing information from what they have learned and it is drawn into the brain to synthezize and deduce to an idea: the big circles outside the brain signifies what Crane-man has taught Tree-Ear--which, is directed into Tree-Ears' brain to pull from, when faced with making decisions.

Tree-Ear was raised by Crane-man all his life, and was well-respected and loved by Tree-Ear for that. Crane-man gave Tree-Ear advise and seemed to always want to equip him with great knowledge and good morals.

So, throughout the book, Tree-Ear made many references back to what Crane-man would want him to do/react. Therefore, this picture, in a way, captures the essence of that to me.

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