Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Geography Name _______________________
A Single Shard
Mapping Tree-ear’s Journey
Label the following landforms, bodies of water, and places:
North Korea
South Korea
Yellow Sea
Korea Straight
Sea of Japan
Kum River
Han River
Puan (Ch’ulp’o)
Kaesong (Songdo)
w Use colors to show the mountainous areas and the coastal plains.
Answer these questions.
1. What kind of landform is Korea? (If you do not know, don’t worry. Just skip this question!)
2. What country is to the east of Korea? __________________________
3. What country is to the west of Korea? ___________________________
4. Why is Ch’ulp’o’s location perfect for pottery making? (Consider transportation and raw materials) (See p. 12 and p. 149)
5. On your map, draw Tree-ear’s journey from Ch’ulp’o to Songdo. Ch’ulp’o is in Puan. Songdo has been renamed Kaesong.
6. In terms of distance, approximately how long was the journey? ___________
7. Why didn’t Tree-ear see the city of Seoul on his journey? (See p. 151) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
8. What are the farming villages like that Tree-ear passes? (See p. 117) How are they different from Ch’ulp’o? ______________________________________________
9. Where is the “Rock of the Falling Flowers”? (see p. 115) ______________________________
10. What river is below the “Rock of Falling Flowers”? (see p. 116)
11. What happened at this cliff in Korean history? (see pp. 116-117) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
12. What happens to Tree-ear on this cliff? (see pp. 122-125)
13. After the event in Question #12, what does Tree-ear decide and why?
14. What is the approximate distance (in miles) from Puyo to Songdo (Kaesong)?
15. By what route does Tree-ear return to Ch’ulp’o?

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